How much is a subscription?

To purchase lifetime access to The Telos Project, you’ll pay a one-time, $40 fee up front. Just to reiterate, this is a one-time fee! Once you’ve purchased a subscription, we’ll never charge you again unless you wish to buy another account.

Can I buy a subscription for a friend or family member?

Yes! Click here. This gift card will expire after one year, so make sure your friend knows to redeem their gift before that time (we’ll include that information with the gift card). Of course, they won’t have ti finish the project in a year; like any other account, once they redeem their gift card they will have lifetime access to the platform.

What does signing up for The Telos Project get me?

When you purchase The Telos Project, you will create an account that will give you lifetime access to the exercises. This means that you can do the Project multiple times, even years later. It should be noted that starting the Project over will erase all previous information that you entered during your last completion.

How do I know The Telos Project is a good fit for me?

The Telos Project was designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about themselves and/or making lasting changes to their direction in life. Because the exercises require some abstract thinking, young children probably won’t get the most out of them, but beyond that limitation, The Telos Project is for everyone. You don’t need any particular level of education beyond basic reading and writing, nor do you need any special training, personality type, or set of interests.

What if I don’t have any serious problems that I want to address?

That’s no problem at all! The Telos Project isn’t designed only to address current problems, but also to be a fun method of self-discovery. Additionally, learning about yourself isn’t just a way to respond to current problems, but also to prevent problems in the future. Engaging with and completing The Telos Project doesn’t mean that you’re unhealthy; it just means you’re interested in yourself and your long-term health.

How long does it take to complete The Telos Project?

While the speed of completion will depend heavily on your level of investment and focus, we feel confident that most people can finish all the exercises in 30 days or less. In fact, it is our recommendation that you try to finish in that timeline, as it will maximize your immersion in the process we’ve designed. Most exercises can be completed in 25-30 minutes, so you won’t need to take time off of work or reorganize your daily schedule to complete the Project.

Will the information I share in these exercises be kept private?

The information you share throughout the exercises will be collected/compiled, but only for the purposes of The Telos Project. No, we will not sell your information to interested parties or leave your information unprotected. We do ask your consent to use the information you contribute for academic research purposes, but this is strictly voluntary. Declining this option will in no way limit your ability to participate in and finish The Telos Project.

How emotionally intense are the exercises?

Completing these exercises could (potentially) be upsetting and/or emotionally uncomfortable. However, the questions that are asked are generally non-invasive, and you will always be in control of what you would like to share. If you do become upset or uncomfortable, you can always stop the exercise and come back to it at a later time.

Is The Telos Project a form of mental health treatment?

No. While there are mental health benefits to completing these exercises, they are no replacement for an in-person counseling and/or psychotherapeutic relationship. If you think you are in need of mental health treatment, please find a licensed professional in your area who can assist you. The Telos Project can serve as a helpful enhancement to therapy or as a preparatory process, but in no way claims to treat or cure psychological problems.

Would a therapist or counselor be interested in what I learn about myself while completing The Telos Project?

Of course, we cannot speak for every mental health professional, but the information and insights gained throughout the Project would often be very useful and helpful to a therapist/counselor. When you finish The Telos Project, a printable/savable summary of your work will be available for you, which you could provide to a mental health professional to enhance your work in therapy.