Why The Telos Project?
Awareness brings choice. When equipped with knowledge about ourselves, we can make significant changes in how we interact with ourselves, others, and the world. The Telos Project exists to help people better understand themselves, their emotions, and their behavior in order to empower positive change.
How it Works
The Telos Project consists of a series of short, non-invasive, focused exercises that will compile information about your outlook on life. Once gathered, you will have an opportunity to identify themes in how you manage the challenges of life. These insights will then allow you to imagine ways in which you can change for the better and develop new patterns of living.
Discovering yourself is fun, but also helps you to assess and plan specific ways in which you want to change. If and when implemented, these changes can reduce anxiety, depression, chronic interpersonal conflict, anger management issues, etc. Insights from The Telos Project can also be given to mental health providers, clergy, coaches, or other helping professionals to streamline and focus your work with them, leading to reduced costs and faster results.